Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Blog Updates

Just so you know I have been out of the blogging world for the past 2 months, so you will see a ton of post over the next few days as I am updating everything. I have this new addiction, it's quite dumb, but I have a passion for farmtown, and well the silly little game on Facebook takes up any extra time I have. I have almost got to the last level so my life should be back to normal again. Enjoy the post about our family and the events we have been up to over the past few months. I am enjoying catching up on all my blogging friends.

It's the Best of Both Worlds....

If you've heard this then you probably have a young girl in your house. Katie turned 6 on May 28th, so we had the most Awesome Birthday Party, Hannah Montana even came and danced and sang with the kids. Here is the birthday girl with Hannah: Here is a video of the action:

Getting ready for cake:

Katie loved her sparkler #6 candle, I think we might have to make this one a tradition

Anyway Katie enjoyed her special day. She appreciated all of her friends and family who celebrated with her.

Katie finished Kindergarten

Katie is so happy that she finished her year of Kindergarten and very excited about starting 1st grade in the summer. Here are a few pics from her special year.
This is her with some of her friends from her class

Celebrating 100 days of school

Able to bring home their class stuffed animal to play with for a day, Fuzzy Bear.

Her silly class

This is a picture of Katie and "Micah" writting in their journals, lets just say Katie loves to write about Micah in her journal, we had to talk about "special" friends that are boys. I think its that he is a BYU fan that attracts her. :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Kortney turned 1!!!

I can't believe our little baby is already 1, she is so much fun. She loves life, loves to smile, LOVES TO DANCE, gets into everything, and likes to put a smile on anyone and everyones face. She loved her cake or maybe I should say frosting. She fed the cake to Tucker. She started walking at 13 months, She is 50% for her weight, height, and head, so I guess her chunky thighs are normal. We are loving every minute with her.
Her cake when she was done:

Getting a bath from Tucker: