Monday, January 25, 2010

Carls Jr.

So last Wed. my sister and I went to Carls Jr. for lunch and had this crazy experience that has been eating away at me since.
We were there right at lunch time 11:45 or so. Order our lunch and let the kids play in the play place. In the middle of our lunch my sister says, there was a man that crawled up in the play place and I haven't seen him come down yet. I get up a few minutes later and look from the ground up, every where is pretty visible to the eye except the highest level by one of the slides. So I tell her I don't see him, but there is a part I can't see. We figure we don't hear him and maybe he went up and got his kid and came down. Usually that is what happens to me. Well, a few minutes later we hear a mans voice coming from the top of the slide. My sister yells for her daughter to come down and we ask her if a man is up there. She said, "yes, but I didn't go by him." We have her stay down with us. Well this man comes down the slide a few minutes later and adjusts his shirt then goes to the bathroom.
Well, I can't stop thinking about this because I didn't say anything to anyone even though I had the feeling to do so. Even if I were to tell the other children's parents, but I kept telling myself I didn't see him do anything wrong. Today I go into Carls Jr. and tell them and they have me go back to the computer and look at the cameras and show them who the man is. I do so and everything plays out just as I tell you the story, except before he goes up he grabs some napkins put them in his pocket first.
The police are coming in and may want me to come see them tomorrow. Crazy huh. I wish I would have said something though.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Silly story

I walk into the kitchen and find Kortney feeding her lunch to our dog Tucker.
I say, "Tucker, NO!!! Kortney, No! Don't feed the dog!!!
I walk back into the office and come back into the kitchen a few minutes later and hear Kortney whisper, "Tucker, Tucker" She gives him some food then she looks up and sees me and gets a scared look on her face. Then she yells, "Tucker, NO!!!"
How does she know how to do that at 19 months old!!! Silly girl.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's a.....

I am so EXCITED!!! We are going to have another girl. We enjoyed our ultrasound, since she is a modest little girl they were having a hard time getting all the measurements they needed, so we got to watch for a long time. She looks wonderful and healthy. I think every mother, or at least I do, get so nervous to hear and make sure my little one is healthy. I am so excited now to know that she is a she and that she is growing nice and healthy. I have been complaining to Mike that she likes to sit over on my left side and how it drives me crazy that I can feel her all curled up on that side all the time. So I told the lady doing the ultrasound and she said oh at this stage they are all over the place so it's hard to know where they will be. Well there she was all curled up with her legs crossed and her arms over her face on my left side.
As for me, I am feeling kind of down. When I was pregnant with Katie I had the most amazing pregnancy, I wasn't too sick, I felt beautiful, I had was tired but still had energy. Then came my two miscarriages and the there was Kortney. I found out that I needed to be on progesterone, and well it makes me feel like I have motion sickness. But at least that is only for 16 weeks. Then I went into labor at 32 weeks and had to go on bed rest. This pregnancy I just knew was going to be wonderful. First I found out that progesterone was needed again, again 16 weeks is OK. At 10 weeks I found out that I had problems got put on bed rest for a few weeks, by about 15 weeks I was up and going again. Now at this ultrasound I found out that I have placenta previa, where the placenta is covering the cervix. I guess it's a good sign that I'm not bleeding, but if it begins then more bed rest. I go in for another ultrasound in 8 weeks unless bleeding begins and hoping, praying that the uterus will pull the placenta up as I continue to grow.
I do LOVE feeling this little girl move though. I think that is one thing I miss after having a baby. I love that I am feeling better. I love my cute growing tummy. I feel it is such a blessing to have the chance to carry one of Heavenly Fathers children. It will be so fun to meet her at the end of May or beginning of June. A wonderful blessing to be a mother. I love my girls so much. I love that Mike LOVES being a daddy to all girls. He is a wonderful daddy.
Now the question? Who will she look like Katie or Kortney or a mix? What will her name be? I guess we will find out when she comes. :)

Happy New Year!!!

I lost my camera last month!!! Mike and I had it on our trip to California and it came up missing some how! So my pics from Halloween to December are all lost. I am so sad. We didn't even have a camera for Christmas. Anyway we had a wonderful Holiday Season. I have been very distracted this pregnancy, I guess I'm in survival mode or something. This pregnancy has been so different, I have been very sick, it takes everything in me to keep the house up somewhat. I am just barely getting Christmas taken down, but at least it is happening right. :) 2010 is going to be a wonderful year. Mike and I have set some goals, our stake has challenged us to read the Book of Mormon as a family, we have a new addition to our family, and so much more.