Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Emma's racoon

Mike and Emma got a pet racoon we were lucky enough to play with it on the 4th of July. Mike and Katie both fell in love with it.

The blessings of being a Mom

Summer Day's

Katie and Kortney enjoying our corn on the cob. Our garden did really well this year, the girls LOVED the corn on the cob.

My Girls

Katie Linda, 7 yrs. old

Kortney Belle 2 yrs. old

Kyla and I

Kyla Ella 1 month old

A friend of mine came and took pictures of Kyla for me. These are my favorite!

Griffiths Family Reuinion

We had my family reunion this year, it was a blast. We went up to Fairview to the Pyne cabin. Kyla was only a few weeks old, so it was kind of hard camping in the cold, but we made it work. Kortney LOVED the swings! Katie was very adventurous, she loved the climbing wall and she was the fist of the little kids to go on the zip line. I love that she will try anything.

Katie shooting her BB gun, (she named it Pinky Pie)

Many hours were spent down at the Beaver Pond looking for frogs.

Kortney found a new hobby, she played with the water for hours. She would fill up her cup, walk down a few steps and dump it out, she would do this over and over.

Kyla's baby blessing

Kyla's blessing was wonderful. She is such a choice spirit. How thankful I am to be married to a man who is worthy of his Priesthood. Here are a few pictures from that special day. Nobody told me that my glasses were on my head, oops.
Meagan, Kyla, Mike, and Grandma-ma (Mike's Grandma)

Mike, Mom Griffiths, Meagan and Kyla

Our little family minus Katie and Kortney. I am so sad, for some reason I didn't get a picture of the girls all together.

Mom Kennedy, Meagan, Kyla and Mike