Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Marriage has been on my mind lately, when I got married I made a covenant with my Father in Heaven and my husband to love one another, to honor one another, to put one another first, and to always be there for one another for eternity. I guess the reason this has been on my mind so much is because it seems as if we know so many couples that are getting divorces lately.
When is divorce OK?
I know a husband who made a mistake and broke that marriage promise, he is an active LDS man who loves the gospel of Jesus Christ and was unhappy and made a horrible mistake. His wife is a good LDS woman who also loves her Savior, she may have had problems with anger, lying, etc., but she loves her husband. He blames her behavior on his actions. He goes through the repentance process. They get a divorce and leave children in the mix of all this chaos. The wife wants to go to counseling and make things work, the husband gives up and decides on divorce. Is this really the wisest thing? If you understand the atonement of Jesus Christ, you know that through repentance you can look at someone who has made a mistake and love them again. Through counseling one can change their actions on a day to day aspect. It may take a long time, but you have covenanted to always love, honor and cherish this person. If both parties have this common goal, why is divorce an option?
Another example: The husband again made a mistake, he chooses that the guilt of making a mistake is so big that he turns his back on his Father in Heaven. He leaves the church and goes against everything he taught on his mission. Again children are involved, he chooses not to be a part of their lives, (wife and children) and they are now divorced. I see this wife staying so noble, wise and loving, watching over her children. Realizing how wonderful and beautiful she is.
Another example: A husband again (sorry guys out there I do know some women that have been the ones that chose out too) makes a mistake, breaks a temple covenant, again blames wife on her anger, lack of actions, etc. Again children involved. After counseling realizes it was him who made the bad choice. Asks his wife to please forgive him, asks his Father in Heaven for forgvieness, she debates divorce. After much temple attending, fasting and prayer realizes that her husband truly loves the Lord and wants to be whole again. He goes through the repentance process, they both go to counseling, and 5 years later they love each other more than they ever thought possible. They have a growing family, open communication and both have been able to experience the Power of the Atonement, both admit they are FAR from PERFECTION. Kept that promise they made so long ago when they chose to get married and feel that choice was a wise one.
So I guess what I am saying here is how strong is that temple covenant, how much do we understand it when we get sealed for eternity. I sure don't think I was prepared when I got married. I thought my husband would choose to shower me with hugs, kisses, flowers, dates, time, praising words always, etc. At least I had the common goal as my husband and knew through love and support we can return to our Father in Heaven some day. But out of the 3 examples I believe the 2 last are OK. When I see these friends that "fall out of love" and get a divorce, what is that all about? Marriage isn't easy!!! It sure is the most rewarding covenant you make though. To grow with your love, learn with your love, walk through life's challenges with your love, raise children with your love, is one of the most rewarding covenants we make. It isn't always easy, none of us are perfect, so of course life will be challenging, marriage will be challenging. That is why we have our love to help us through and remind us of our Heavenly Father's love and set us straight when we make mistakes. Mike often reminds me I am not the one to judge them, they have their agency. But it has got me thinking what would I do if placed in that situation. I know I can say whatever I believe, but I don't really know unless I have walked in their shoes. I hope I don't offend any of you, I would love to have a discussion on the subject, like I said it is something I have thought about often lately. I would love to understand other views. I know that all of you that read this are not active LDS friends. I would love to hear your thoughts. I don't want to offend any of you.
I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject. I do believe that through the atonement of my Savior I know that I can learn and become a better person as I make mistakes, repent, and change my actions. How grateful I am for my Savior for providing a way for me to return to our Father in Heaven again, as a pure daughter of God.


myheartskipsabeatfor said...

I agree. Marriage is hard, mistakes happen but the love and power of Jesus are greater than any sin. I feel awful when I see kids pulled through divorce. Your kids are blessed to have you guys so commited to each other and your marriage. This is the greatest gift a parent can give!

Jen R. said...

ugh this is a heavy one that would take me pages to say all i have to say! I dont know how I would react if jared had an affair, I dont know that I'm a strong enough person to be able to stay! luckily I know I'll neveer have to find out. People that get divorces "just because" are lazy and selfish. I eblieve that the main problem with marriage in amercia is the attitue people have going in. They think, "well if its not perfect I can just find someone else!" Seriously I could talk about this forveer so I'm just going to go! Love you!!!

Alex Griffiths said...

I think that there are so many OTHER factors than "he cheated, she's mean" that leads to divorce. And I personally know of a number of people that have stayed together just to get divorced after all the kids have grown up. Personally, whether you stay together, or get divorced, I think that as long as you're living a good righteous life, close to the gospel, your decisions will be made with a clear head. I don't think that divorce should be looked down upon - especially when it is a NECESSARY means to an end of something horrible and unfair. Ultimately, I feel that if you are living righteously Heavenly father will help us work everything out in the end. because, it hardly seems fair if a woman stays sealed to her husband that has mis-treated her and repeatedly cheated on her, that she would be stuck with him even into eternity....

as jen said.. i could go on and on about it... hahah

Krista Neil said...

Ya this is a never-ending topic. I do believe there are times when divorce is warrented, but I do not believe that is the first option. People make mistakes, you should be willing to go through steps to fix them. I do think you should avoid if at all possible, because that is a long hard road especially in a marriage. No one can expect a marriage to be a fairytale, it's tough. Ok enough from me.

Meagan said...

don't get me wrong, I think that divorce is something that is ok, I just think some people give up too quickly. I don't think anyone should ever stay in an abusive relationship if the abusive person will not change or does not care to change.

kaylambees said...

oh i just love you meagan! this was probably my favorite post i've ever read on anyone's blog! here are my thoughts:

1- i love that you talked about commiting to counseling and striving to change... especially since that is what my whole goal in life is going to be
2- i believe divorce is valid when one person who has made that covenant has broken it and not willing to change. if they are not working towards the same goal to be an eternal family than this life alone would be so hard, you don't want to have to drag someone to the celestial kingdom!
3- life is hard marriage is hard (or so i've heard and studied haha) you have to expect to work at it and that really really hard times are going to happen, but working through them together is what will bring you closer together. if you are faithful in your trials the blessings will come!

so anyway, i'm pretty passionate about this subject even though i'm no married i eat sleep and dream about marriage (not when is it going to happen to me, but the importance of it) every day! haha, so there's an opinion from a single soon to be marriage and family therapist standpoint