Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My family

So i better tell you all about my family...
There is Katie:  The little princess, this is at her 5th birthday party.  Her daddy bought her this special dress.  It was so cute one of the other little girls was having her birthday party the following week and asked Katie not to wear that dress because she had to be the most beautiful at her party.  Katie just loved it.  Katie keeps herself busy playing with friends, she loves friends, she loves to catch grasshoppers for her frog, she loves to color.
Then Kortney finally decided to come this June, boy was she an answer to her families prayer.  It took quite some time to get her here, she made her mom go through so many emotions, but in doing so I learned to rely on the Lord.  Katie loves her sister, in a blessing Katie received, she was told that they were special friends before this Earth life.  Kortney has been a blessing in our home, we all love having her around.  It doesn't hurt that she is a great baby.  

1 comment:

kari b. said...

hi! welcome to blogging!!