Friday, October 1, 2010

The Hospital

Kortney got to meet her new baby sister later that day, I don't know what to think of it. She loved the baby, but she was very concerned about me. She wanted me to come home soon.

I love the one on one time you get to spend with your little one in the hospital.

There were 4 of us all due within a week of each other here in our ward, here is a picture of 3 of us together with our babies. So much fun to know that our little babies will all grow up together.

Time for Kyla and I to go home, mixed feelings. I was so worried about Kortney that I felt like I had to get home, but man it is so nice being in the hospital having people help you all the time. Plus being able to send your baby to the nursery at night is a huge plus. Ready for this new adventure :)

She's here!!!

The birth story: Mike and I got to bed about 11:30, we had everything ready to go, I was supposed to be induce the next day, June 1st. I had been having contractions for a few weeks now and not getting much sleep at all, around 12:30 I woke up due to contractions. I was trying to go back to sleep, I felt like something had snapped, but I didn't think it was my water because when my water broke with Katie it gushed everywhere. I tried sleeping a little more and finally at 2:30 I got up to walk around and see if I could get these contractions under control. Well, when I stood up I realized that my water had broke. I got Mike up and made a few phone calls as we headed to the hospital. We were all checked into the hospital by 3:30a.m. I was dilated to a 5 and I got my epidural right away and it worked great this time!!! Happy mama!!!

I feel like the birth of a baby is such a special moment, I love to share that moment with the women who are close to me. I feel that these women give me the energy I need to deliver this baby. At every one of my girls births, I have felt the love and support of the women who are there with me in the delivery room and I have felt the spirits of many of my ancestors too. I guess they are just delivering my babies to me. Here are a few of those that were there to see baby Kyla enter into this world. My mother, Mike's mother, Rachel, Sierra, Melinda, and Katie were all there. Karen was kind enough to go spend the rest of the night at my house with Kortney. Teri ended up making it there right when it was time for me to push.

They came in and checked me at 4:30 and I was only a 5+, they explained that sometime the epidural slows things down. Bummer, I was thinking this thing would go fast. I felt bad for getting everyone out of bed, but oh well. At about 5:15 I started feeling uncomfortable and asked the nurse to come check me, what do you know I was fully dilated ready to push!!! At 5:34 Kylas Ella was born, 8lbs 12oz. and
19" long. She is beautiful!!!
I love Sierra and Katie's faces in this picture. It was a great experience for the two of them.

Daddy cutting her umbilical cord

That's our big girl

Daddy, Katie and Kyla

Sister bonding for the first time here on Earth. Kyla and Katie

Mommy and her baby girl, there is nothing like the feeling you get the first time you hold your baby.

Our first family picture just missing our little Kortsy Belle

Grandma is so happy to see you little Kyla

Sierra bonding with her baby cousin

Rachel was able to take a few hours away from Brie and Kiersten to come see baby Kyla

Nana and Kyla, Melinda must have been taking the pictures because I don't have one of Kyla and Melinda.

Kyla wanted to nurse right away. She latched on right away and has been my best nurser yet. She loves that time with mom and has been really good at teaching me how to nurse again.

Isn't she beautiful!

One last picture I had to include, her paws are so big!!! I love it.

Kortney and Katie's birthday party

We decided since I was going to be induced on June 1st that we should have a birthday party for Kortney who was turning 2 on June 3rd and Katie who had turned 7 on May 28th, plus a last hoorah before the baby was born the next day. Here is a picture of the girls.

Here is a picture of me the night before I delivered our baby girl. I just noticed all of my pregnancy pictures I am wearing the same shirt. It's the only shirt that fit me ok towards the end.

A little note on my Kortney Belle, I can't believe it has been 2 years. Kortney is the most independant child. She wants to do everything on her own. She loves baby dolls, her blankies, boots, and loves makeup. She is a girlie girl. But she also is very solid on her feet and very coordinated. We think she is going to be our sports girl. She loves to kick the ball around and to play catch with her daddy.