Sunday, September 28, 2008

Family Pictures

Mike asked if I would put some family pictures on, so that he can show them to people while he is out and about, so here are some pictures.  I have so much fun looking back, I wish I had more on this computer.  

Misc. Pics

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Girls Night Out

Build a Bear workshop, it is the best place, kids of all ages love it.  Katie just loves to brink her bear in and get it washed and a new outfit.  Last night I let her get a new animal, she picked the elephant since we were on our way to the circus.  It drove me nuts though, they would show the girls all this extra stuff and ask if they wanted it, of course they are going to say yes.  What about me, I'm the one paying for it, shouldn't they be asking me...Anyway the girls (Katie and her cousin Haley) loved Build a Bear.

               The Circus was so much fun for me.  I have so many great memories of going to the circus with my dad when I was little.  Back then, you were able to ride on the elephant, I wanted to ride on the elephant sooo bad, but I was scared.  So Rachel and Melinda, my sisters, rode on the elephant and I just watched.  I regret that to this day, I wish I had guts when I was little.  I still loved watching it through a child's eyes.  They loved the clowns the most.  It was so much fun though to bring back my childhood memories of the circus.  It was a fun night for us girls. 

Friday, September 19, 2008


I got the Halloween stuff out to decorate the house!!!  I know I am early this year, I just thought it is so fun to see the kids enjoy the fun decorations.  They love to help decorate also.  I think one of my favorite joys in life is decorating for the holidays.  I took the beginning of the year off because of the sewage flood we had, but now I'm on board again.  Hooray!!!  Katie is going to be a princess this year, she wants to use her special birthday dress from daddy, Kortney is going to be a skunk.  I found the best skunk costume at children's place when I was pregnant, it was $1.00, I love Children's Place!!!  I guess I just need to buy candy, then I will be ready to go!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Brushing your teeth

First off, I have to say I went to the dentist, 3 cavity's can you believe it.  I think it was the pregnancy or something.  I about died, Katie came out clean this time though.  
So Mike and I had this little discussion today about brushing your teeth.  Am I normal?  We went on a date tonight (dinner and min. golf).  Anyway right when we are about to leave I run into the bathroom, touch up my makeup and brush my teeth.  He walks in "why are you brushing your teeth we are going to dinner right now?"  I say, "I want you to enjoy kissing me" He says, "I'm probably not going to kiss you before we eat dinner."  I kiss him.  Anyway, is that a normal thing?  He thinks I'm crazy obsessed with my teeth, obviously I'm not, I have 3 cavity's.  What do you think?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The case of the missing snake...

So this morning I got our carpets cleaned!!!  hooray!!!  Mike thinks he is jungle man or something and needs to have 4 snakes living in our home.  I don't really care for the snakes, but will allow them to stay because the kids love to come and play with all of our animals.  (We have a dog, cat, 4 snakes, toad, plus the bugs the frog eats, the fish and the mice the snakes eat).  I have the guy cleaning the carpets and Tucker is in Mikes office so that he doesn't run on my clean carpet.  I hear him barking and ignore it, after the guy leaves I go to let Tucker outside and I notice the snakes cage is wide open.  Good thing it was the cage with only 1 snake in it.  So Katie and I go on a snake hunt with flashlights.  Katie says that she will get the snake because she is not a scared cat like mom.  Anyway Kortney is screaming because she has got a little cold and Katie is yelling, "Mom!  Mom! I found a clue."  Anyway i go look and sure enough there is snake poop on my baseboards.  So I help Katie look under the book case and there the little sneaky thing is.  He get's scared and goes behind the chair so I tell Katie to hurry and get it while I am trying to shew it away.  She freaks and says no I can't get it I'm scared.  So I get her a t-shirt of Mikes to use to catch it like her daddy does when he is playing Jungle man.  To make a long story short she got the snake and it is in his cage now.  I can sleep good tonight knowing he is safe in his cage.


So last night we had our "sisters night", the night that all of us girls that live around get together and have a finishing night.  You know a night that you can work on unfinished projects, like:  Eagle projects, scrapbooking, crocheting, ironing, mending, etc.  Anyway we all have so much fun together.  Out of all my six sisters four of them live here in Utah County, it is so nice that I have some of them who have settled here along with me.  I sometimes wonder if I would have been able to make it here in Utah if I didn't have any of them.  I rely on my sisters for so much, it is so much fun seeing our families grow up together knowing their cousins so well.  It seems that at sisters night we just have so much fun laughing and enjoying a moment without being mom.  I am thankful to my brother in laws for stepping in and being fathers so that their wives can have a break.  

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Stake Confrence

So I went to sake conference tonight alone, (Mike isn't going to be home till late from camping) well, the whole thing was on money management.  I find it so interesting how we (latter day saints) have been told over and over to save your money, pay off debt, get a food storage.  Mike and I have been working on paying off our debt, but for some reason I can't get it into my head that I have to pay the Lord his 10% first.  We pay a full tithe, but sometimes I will go 2-4 months then pay a large amount since Mike's checks are different every month due to commissions.  Last month I commited to paying my tithing first each month before any other bills.  So what they talked about tonight is that if you will pay the Lord first, you will find it easier to pay off those debts.  Any way it seems like we get ahead, then something happens and we create more debt.  (Mike's little zodiac boat for fishing he just bought)  :)  I think it is a personal thing, but I do know that whenever we are caught up on tithing it seems that our lives are blessed not only financially but it seems that our marriage is better, that the choices we make are for the best.  One of the speakers pointed out that we are given commandments for a reason (tithing)  if you are not obeying one of those commandments it is easy to slip up and not follow them all, or maybe just one that you might struggle with.  I was glad I went and felt a little uplifted tonight.  I hope I didn't bore any of you.  I don't even know if anyone reads this.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Silly Kids

So, Sunday morning we had two of Katie's cousins over and I was being a great mom and aunt, letting them help me cook.  We made some bread, and had some bread starts to take to some people, well Katie chose to take it to her Primary teacher.  So I tell the kids to go get in the car while I make copies of the recipe.  I head out to the car, no kids, I start yelling for them to come out and get in the car, no kids still... I get frustrated and start yelling that I'm not playing a game, so come out now.  Still no kids.  Then I start to get a little nervous and ask Mike to go to the neighbors while I drive around the neighborhood.  I am driving a can't see a child outside even.  So my heart sinks and I wonder where they could be.  They all know that they can't pass the mail box or the lamp post when they play in the front and they have followed that rule for at least the past two years.  Mike has my neighbor get in the car with me and drive down to our church (at the end of our street)  and he would look there since he was dressed in a suit.  So as we drive up to the church there are three children walking out the church with my old t-shirts on, barefoot, and their hair not brushed.  Well, Katie had some how talked Sierra and Clay into walking down to the church and deliver the bread to her teacher.  Well, her teacher wasn't there so some other lucky lady got them.  The laugh she must have got when she saw them walk into the church.  :)