Saturday, September 6, 2008

Stake Confrence

So I went to sake conference tonight alone, (Mike isn't going to be home till late from camping) well, the whole thing was on money management.  I find it so interesting how we (latter day saints) have been told over and over to save your money, pay off debt, get a food storage.  Mike and I have been working on paying off our debt, but for some reason I can't get it into my head that I have to pay the Lord his 10% first.  We pay a full tithe, but sometimes I will go 2-4 months then pay a large amount since Mike's checks are different every month due to commissions.  Last month I commited to paying my tithing first each month before any other bills.  So what they talked about tonight is that if you will pay the Lord first, you will find it easier to pay off those debts.  Any way it seems like we get ahead, then something happens and we create more debt.  (Mike's little zodiac boat for fishing he just bought)  :)  I think it is a personal thing, but I do know that whenever we are caught up on tithing it seems that our lives are blessed not only financially but it seems that our marriage is better, that the choices we make are for the best.  One of the speakers pointed out that we are given commandments for a reason (tithing)  if you are not obeying one of those commandments it is easy to slip up and not follow them all, or maybe just one that you might struggle with.  I was glad I went and felt a little uplifted tonight.  I hope I didn't bore any of you.  I don't even know if anyone reads this.


Melinda and Jeff Dalebout said...

wow you went to stake conference, Saturday session when you could have been home alone. That's crazy. Good for you.

kari b. said...

i read this and i agree.