Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Silly Kids

So, Sunday morning we had two of Katie's cousins over and I was being a great mom and aunt, letting them help me cook.  We made some bread, and had some bread starts to take to some people, well Katie chose to take it to her Primary teacher.  So I tell the kids to go get in the car while I make copies of the recipe.  I head out to the car, no kids, I start yelling for them to come out and get in the car, no kids still... I get frustrated and start yelling that I'm not playing a game, so come out now.  Still no kids.  Then I start to get a little nervous and ask Mike to go to the neighbors while I drive around the neighborhood.  I am driving a can't see a child outside even.  So my heart sinks and I wonder where they could be.  They all know that they can't pass the mail box or the lamp post when they play in the front and they have followed that rule for at least the past two years.  Mike has my neighbor get in the car with me and drive down to our church (at the end of our street)  and he would look there since he was dressed in a suit.  So as we drive up to the church there are three children walking out the church with my old t-shirts on, barefoot, and their hair not brushed.  Well, Katie had some how talked Sierra and Clay into walking down to the church and deliver the bread to her teacher.  Well, her teacher wasn't there so some other lucky lady got them.  The laugh she must have got when she saw them walk into the church.  :)

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