Wednesday, September 2, 2009


As most of you know in January I decided that I need to get back in shape. I started weight watchers and said I was going to do a sprint tri-athlon to help motivate me. So Melinda and I signed up to do the Riverton Sprint Tri-athlon, 300 meter swim, 12 mile bike and 3.1 mile run. I had so much fun doing this, that I want to make it something I do every year. I have a shoulder that slips at the joint and so swimming is really hard on me, but I LOVE the biking. To date I have lost 27 pounds and have about 15 more to go. One thing this triathlon tought me is that I can do anything I put my mind to. I am running 3 days a week now, I would have never imagined that I could run 3 miles at a time. NOw I am just trying to improve my time. Here are a few pictures from the day.
It was so nice, Katie and Sierra were waiting for me to run the last few yards with me. It was fun to see them there to motivate me to run the last few yards.

Melinda and I with our bikes.

Here we are in our twin swim suits. :)

It's so nice having sisters to do things with. Thanks Melinda!!!

1 comment:

Krista Neil said...

I totally need a motivator, maybe a race for me next year, you girls are awesome :)