Monday, March 15, 2010


So Saturday night Mike and I took the girls up the the Utah Home and Garden Expo. While in the car Mike and I were talking about the time change and started debating about the time change. Anyway it was no big deal we were both just talking about what time the girls would be waking up now, not fighting just debating. :) Anyway Katie pipes up from the back seat singing Jordan Sparks, "Why does love have to be a battlefield a battlefield a battlefield." It totally made Mike and I laugh that she knew what that song was about and thought to sing it when she heard us "debating" about dumb time.
One other neat thing while at the expo I got this curling iron for Katie, I curled her hair yesterday, used NO hairspray and guess what her hair was still curled this morning. I just had to touch up a few curls and it looked so cute for today.


Alisha said...

Too Funny....I need to know about this curling iron.

Missy said...

Will you share that story with your nephew? He still thinks the kids don't know what Mr. Garbage_Mouth-Rapper-Man is sharing over the speakers of daddy's truck! Ugh! We need Katie to come sing to Luke! (and what is this miracle curling iron?)

Krista Neil said...

He he, the curling iron sounds fabulous...pic?:)

Melinda and Jeff Dalebout said...

When you show pictures of Katie make sure you show pictures of you hand. Hahahaha! When you get it down you can show me how it works. Or I can just send Haley and her head full of hair over for Auntie to do her hair.

Missy said...

So I had no idea you had a blog! Are you trying to keep it a secret? Maybe you did tell me and it just didn't click. Well, now I'll be stalking you!
BTW, you'll have to tell me where you got that curling iron!