Mike was asked a while back to participate in a Joseph Smith symposium. The two of us felt like it was a good opportunity for Mike to go and share his testimony with others. It was a 3 day event and I decided to come and go when I could and Mike would go for the whole 3 days. Well, when we got there, it was a bunch of archaeologist who have found evidence that the Book of Mormon all took play in North America. The Native Americans were the Lamanites. Not the whole Central and North America theory. It was very interesting, but like Mike and I talked about after the first evening, Mike and I came home and talked on the car ride about how it really could be true, but does it really matter where he Book of Mormon took place? My faith is built upon the context of the Book of Mormon. Anyway, the next day was Mikes day to speak. I get there just before Mike is about the do his "short" talk to the whole group of 500 people. Mike got up and he gave the most powerful testimony of our Prophet Joseph Smith and his dear wife Emma. I hear him speak over and over and the Spirit in his room was so overwhelming it brought tears to my eyes. Mike got done and came down and said that was the strangest feeling, my knees were shaking and I couldn't feel like I could stand. Mike was then there for the unveiling of Joseph Smith Jr.'s sword.

After we broke out to our smaller classes there were multiple people to come up and talk to Mike and I. The strange thing is that we heard multiple people remark on Mike's aura, and how he invited the Spirit into the room. Then a lady came up and introduced herself, she was a blessing in disguise. She mentioned that while Mike was up there she was 2 men standing on each side of him, holding him up and protecting him. I thought how interesting when he had told me that he couldn't feel like he could stand. This lady told Mike that she feels he needs to come to the Family History Center in SLC with her in a few weeks and learn the ins and outs of the New Family Search. Now this is a lady who doesn't the family history work for the General Authorities. Mike dedicated one week working with this lady and has learned so much. He has hooked up numerous people since and lets just say many people are having the opportunity to take their own names to the temple because of the time he has been able to give to family history work. The work is continuing. I love the dedication my husband has to his callings.
Sorry this is kind of a scattered post. I hope you understand everything I meant to say.
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