Monday, November 3, 2008

Christmas music

Mike got home from playing basketball this morning and turned on the radio, Christmas music!!!  So I need to get your opinion on the subject, is it OK or not OK to listen to.  I feel that we can't forget about Thanksgiving, which is one of my favorite holidays.  While we had the music playing it brought so much joy to our family.  Katie was putting on shows all day, I found myself dancing around the kitchen this evening while I was making dinner.  (Just had to mention that I cooked Mikes ducks for dinner tonight, made Duck gumbo, it was very hard for me to do.  So yes I am proud of me. :) )  So what do you think?  Do you have to wait till after Thanksgiving or does it just play into Thanksgiving.  


kari b. said...

although i love xmas music.. because it comes on SO soon (esp. there in utah i remember) by december i HATE hearing it. I try my best to find a station that doesnt play it til after thanksgiving day or use cds/ipod and then once december comes i am all for it. having a little girl though you might be stuck whether you like it or not because im sure she loves knowing all the songs to sing along to.

Krista Neil said...

I'm starting to play it for choir, and it is getting me excited too, but I'm with Kari, I try to avoid so it doesn't get old too fast. If you play is all November by December you can't stand to hear it, so I just avoid it till December and things are in the full Christmas swing.

Jen R. said...

I think it should be against the law to play music, put up christmas directions, etc. until the day after Thanksgiving...and it should all be stopped the day after new years!